Do you have a need to write the USMLE test soon? If yes, we can register you for the exam within 24 hours. We have provided free study resources which other students have used to score in the range of 190-220 in USMLE. See the past test scores of our students.
Cost of USMLE Registration in Nigeria
We register USMLE Step 1 at $975 including study materials (print or soft copy)
It depends on the time you are ready to take the examination.So, we suggest you register first for the test and follow it up with adequate preparation and training. From our experience, registering first for the test drives our students to brace up and work harder as they look forward to their USMLE test dates.
Wondering what the USMLE score report looks like? Check samples of USMLE score report
You might be curious to know what the USMLE Step 1Â questions look like! Here are a few samples of the USMLE questions
The USMLE Step 1 assesses whether a medical student understands and can apply important concepts of the sciences basic to the practice of medicine, with special emphasis on principles and mechanisms underlying health, disease, and modes of therapy. This test is constructed according to an integrated content outline that organizes basic science material along two dimensions: system and process.
You will need to prepare for at least six months. However, the stipulated time is at best indicative as you may require more or less time. It depends entirely on factors such as your level of preparedness, length of prior training and if you are conversant with the content/ skills tested in the exams.
The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) assesses the continuum of physicians’ preparation for practice.Â
So you can’t use the USMLE exams to gain admission into any school.
The total obtainable score for USMLE Test is 300.
Which USMLE score is acceptable for the continuum of physicians’ preparation for practice is relative. Each school sets the minimum USMLE score that is acceptable, and it typically differs. However, on the average, the minimum acceptable score is 230. Â
There are no approved USMLE test centres in Nigeria, but you can choose to write your exam in the prometric centres in Kenya, Ghana, Uganda or South Africa.
You can reschedule your USMLE registration within your eligibility period.Â
Here are some tips that can help you with your test preparation:
When you register for your USMLE test in Nigeria, you’re required to enter your ID information. The details of your registration must match exactly with those on the ID you are bringing to the test place. If the details don’t match, you will not take the test, and your test fee will not be refunded. Â
Test takers in Nigeria will need an international passport as an identifying document upon their arrival at the test centre.Â
These documents are not acceptable as primary or supplemental ID under any condition:
Note: If your ID document isn’t written in English language and the test centre administrator can’t read it, you will most likely be unable to take the test, and your test fee won’t be refunded.Â
The USMLE Step 1 test spans 8-hours. 7 hours are assigned for question blocks, 45 minutes of break time, and an optional tutorial of 15 minutes; the check-in process takes 30 minutes. So, you should expect to spend 8 ½ hours and are encouraged to plan your test day appropriately. You should not fix any other serious engagement for the day.
When your online registration is completed, you’ll get a confirmation email with the test date, start time and test centre address. Please print the email confirmation for your registration. You will take the printed email confirmation and your unexpired international passport to the test centre.
You can confirm your registration status by login to your ecfmg account with your login details. If you don’t know your login details, simply ask for it from us or the agent that registered you for the exam.
Also, plan to check the status of your registration the day before your test to ensure that none of the registration details has changed (for instance, a different start time or venue than initially scheduled).
ACT Registration in Nigeria
Phone:Â (+234) 08132765285
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