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The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized English proficiency exam for non-native speakers of the language. It’s usually a requirement to study, work, or live in an English speaking country like Canada,  Australia, England, and the United States. IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia,  and Cambridge English. 

Types/Versions of IELTS

The exam is divided into five categories: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training, IELTS Academic for UKVI, IELTS General Training for UKVI, and IELTS Life Skills. You can opt to take a paper-based and computer-based option for each category. 

Sections and Grading of IELTS 

The test is divided into four sections; speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Each section is graded in bands numbering  0-9. The overall band score is the average of the four scores. 

What’s a Pass IELTS Score?

Each immigration body, workplace, and institution has its own IELTS score requirement. Hence, a sufficient IELTS score for one purpose is insufficient for another purpose. For instance, while a 6.5 is fine for admission into many schools abroad, a minimum of 7.0 is required to obtain a professional license to practice in English speaking countries (e.g nurses, doctors, etc). To secure different kinds of visa in the UK, the UK government requires between 4.0 and 5.5 depending on the class of visa. For Canadian PR, while 6.0 is the minimum, the higher you score the higher your CRS point. 

Validity Period of IELTS

The test results are only valid for two years. 

Why People Get Low IELTS Scores

While not particularly difficult, adequate preparation is required to score a high band in IELTS. Common difficulties self-learners experience include spelling errors, poor grammar, and pronunciation issues. To combat these problems, you can utilize our free resources and free tests to prepare for the exam.  

Tips for Scoring High in IELTS 

We can’t overemphasize the need to practice repeatedly. By so doing, you will know, at every point in time, where you stand on what you can potentially score. During the exam, ensure you properly understand each question before attempting it. 

 Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for IELTS

Our IELTS prep courses simulate the exam day experience and shows your score at the end of each practice test. Care to know what our prep courses look like before purchasing? Sign up to take our free tests.  You can complement your practice with a qualified private tutor

Available Test Dates for IELTS 

The test dates are flexible and you can select a convenient date here

Test Centers for IELTS

There are multiple centres across different states where the exams are written. You can select your preferred location when booking your exam. If you’d like to do it the stress-free way, let our team of experts handle your exam registration. We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment. 

IELTS Price in Nigeria

IELTS Academic –N266,000

IELTS General Training –N256,500

IELTS Academic for UKVI –N285,000

IELTS General Training for UKVI –N285,000

IELTS Life Skills –N249,000

NB: We charge a service fee of N5,000 to help candidates register for their IELTS exam. 




The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is an English language test for non-native speakers. The test is conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is widely accepted by institutions and firms in English speaking countries to determine the proficiency of potential students or employees to speak and understand the language. 

Types/Versions of TOEFL 

The TOEFL test is either taken as a computer-based test or a paper-based test. The TOEFL IBT is usually preferred by universities and embassies because it tests an applicant’s speaking skills. 

Sections and Grading of TOEFL

The computer-based test contains four sections which are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Each section is scored out of 30 to give an overall score of 120.

The paper-based version has three sections; listening, written expression, and reading. The score range is 310-677. I.e the lowest score is 310 and the highest is 677. The listening and writing expression sections are graded from 31-68 while the reading section is graded from 31-67. The total score is the sum of the three scores from each section, multiplied by 10 and divided by 3. 

Candidates that take the paper-based TOEFL test are also required to write an essay which doesn’t count towards their total score. The essay known as Test of Written English (TWE) is scored from 0-6. 

What’s a Pass TOEFL Score?

Like other standardized English tests, the minimum score you must obtain in your TOEFL exam is determined by the university or college you’re applying to. The requirement can be as low as 45 or as high as 100 for the TOEFL IBT. Some universities also set a minimum score for each section while others only consider the overall score. 

Validity Period of TOEFL

The test results expire after two years. 

Why People Get Low TOEFL Scores

The main reason why people score low in TOEFL is due to lack of preparation and overconfidence. Many educated professionals underestimate the test and end up not achieving their desired score on the first attempt. To prevent falling into this trap, it is best to start preparing for the exam months ahead. You can check out our free TOEFL resources to help you get started.  

Tips for Scoring High in TOEFL 

Asides from constant solo practice, it is important to have an experienced study partner/teacher to assist you with pronunciation which is an aspect of TOEFL that many people struggle with. Also, build your vocabulary by reading books, magazines, and news articles on various topics. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for TOEFL

We have TOEFL prep courses aimed at helping candidates ace their exams on the first try. To get a sneak peek of what the actual test looks like, you can try out our free tests. In case you need extra help, we also have dedicated private tutors to assist you prepare adequately for your test. 

Test Dates 

Available test dates can be found on the ETS website. 

Available TOEFL Test Centers in Nigeria

There are TOEFL testing centres in major cities across Nigeria. You can choose the one nearest to you when scheduling your test. There is also an option to take the test at home if you meet the equipment requirements. For candidates who want things done right, we help them handle their registration.  We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment. 

TOEFL Price in Nigeria 

The cost of the test varies based on testing location. Late registration and rescheduling attract a fee of $40 and $60 respectively. For a full list of applicable service fees, visit this page.  

NB: We charge a service fee of $15 to help candidates register for their TOEFL exam. 




The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) is an English language proficiency test administered by Paragon Testing Enterprises, a subsidiary of the University of Colombia. It is mostly taken by individuals planning to live, work, or permanently reside in Canada. It is one of the two English language tests accepted by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)when considering candidates for the express entry program or citizenship. 

Types/Versions of CELPIP

There are two types of CELPIP tests, the CELPIP General test and the CELPIP General LS test. The former is used when applying for permanent residence in Canada while the latter is used when applying for Canadian citizenship. While both tests are accepted by professional bodies and institutions, the CELPIP General test is best for academic purposes. 

Sections and Grading of CELPIP

The CELPIP General test is divided into four categories; speaking, writing, listening and reading. On the other hand, the CELPIP General LS test has two categories; listening and speaking. 

The grading method of the test is rather complex. It is graded on a CELPIP scale of M-12 —M being the lowest and 12 the highest— that corresponds with the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB). 

The reading and listening tests have a total of 38 points each. Every score has a designated CELPIP Level. For example, a score of 27-31 will earn you a CELPIP Level 7 on the scale, while a score of 33-35 gets you to CELPIP Level 9. 

The speaking and writing tests are recorded using a computer and later graded manually by CELPIP examiners. A different set of factors are considered for each test to award a final CELPIP score. For a more detailed explanation on the process, visit this website

What’s a Pass CELPIP Score?

The minimum CELPIP score you should aim for depends on your reason for taking the exam. Colleges and universities in Canada all have different requirements. To gain citizenship, a score of 4 and above is required in the CELPIP General LS test. While a score of 5 is okay for applying for permanent residence, people who wish to become permanent residents in Canada through the Express Entry program are required to score at least a 7 in each section/module of the CELPIP General test. 

Validity Period of CELPIP

CELPIP scores are available on the website for a period of two years. Companies or institutions may choose to accept test scores older than that at their own discretion. 

Why People Get Low CELPIP Scores

The two main sections CELPIP candidates find challenging are listening and speaking. The listening test conversations can last up to a minute and includes a video. Candidates may be asked questions on minute details like what the characters in the video are wearing or the nature of the surroundings, so paying close attention is important. The time allotted for the speaking section is also quite short and candidates are expected to make the most of it. 

Tips for Scoring High in CELPIP

For a test like CELPIP, proper time management is everything; practicing with a timer will help you learn how to stay cool under pressure. Engage in conversations with people to develop your listening skills. During the test, take notes when necessary to make sure you don’t forget important details. The reading and listening sections are in the multiple choice format so make sure to attempt all the questions. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for CELPIP

Proper CELPIP preparation is incomplete without the assistance of an experienced tutor. We have CELPIP prep courses to help you get the hands-on experience you need before your exams. Want to find out what our prep courses look like before you go ahead and pay? Try out our free tests. 

Available Test Dates for CELPIP

You can find available test dates using the ‘Find test location’ tool at the bottom of CELPIP’s website. 

Test Centres

There is only one CELPIP testing centre in Nigeria currently, which is Dragnet Prometric Test Center located in Victoria Island, Lagos. We help candidates register for the exam so they can focus on preparation. We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment. 

CELPIP Price in Nigeria 

CELPIP General test –$280 CAD. 

CELPIP General LS test –$195 CAD (This test can only be taken in Canada)

NB: We charge a service fee of $15 CAD to help candidates register for their CELPIP exam. 



The Pearson Test of English is an English language test for non-native speakers to determine how well they know and understand the language. It is accepted by universities, colleges, and embassies for immigration purposes. The exam boasts one of the fastest turnaround time of any English language test —results are usually ready within 48 hours after completing the test. 

Types/Versions of PTE

There are six different PTE tests: PTE Academic, PTE Academic Online, PTE Academic UKVI, PTE Home A1, PTE Home A2, and PTE Home B1. All the tests are computer-based. 

The PTE Academic and PTE Academic Online are the same. The only difference is that the PTE Academic is taken at test centre while the PTE Academic Online is taken at home by individuals who cannot access test centres. 

The PTE Academic UKVI, the PTE Home A1, PTE Home A2, and PTE Home B1 are for those who want to study, work, or migrate to the UK. 

The Home A1 test is for people applying for a family visa to join a spouse or family member in the UK. The Home A2 test is taken when applying for a family visa extension to demonstrate an increased English language proficiency. The Home B1 test is used for permanent residence and citizenship  applications, while the PTE Academic UKVI is for study and work visas. 

Sections and Grading of PTE

PTE tests have three sections: speaking and writing, reading and listening. The sections test candidates on core communication skills like speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The exam has 20 question types and each one is graded differently. 

The minimum score for each skill tested is 10 and the highest is 90. The overall score is determined by your performance during the test and is NOT an average of your four communicative skills scores. For more detailed information on the scoring process, check out the PTE Score Guide.


What’s a Pass PTE Score?

A pass PTE score does not exist. You pass as long as your score is sufficient for the intended purpose. With a score of 59-75, test takers are eligible to participate in both undergraduate and postgraduate academic coursework and apply for skilled immigration visas. A score of 43-58 is okay if you plan on pursuing an undergraduate degree. 30-42 is typically too low for undergraduate study but can get you into a foundation year program. Scores below 29 are usually of little use, getting  a score within that range shows your English language skills are pretty basic. 

Validity Period of PTE

PTE test scores have a validity period of two years. 

Why People Get Low PTE Scores

There are many reasons why people get low PTE scores. Inadequate preparation and unfamiliarity with the test procedure are the two major ones. The read aloud section is one part of the exam many students struggle with; because two communication skills —speaking and reading— are being tested simultaneously, weak pronunciation and lack of oral fluency can result in low scores. Our free PTE resources can help you improve in critical areas for a better overall performance. 

Tips for Scoring High in PTE 

It is possible to get a score of 85+ in your PTE exam. It only requires hard work and lots of preparation. During the read aloud speaking test, ensure that your voice is clear and keep reading even if you mispronounce a word or two. Opt for a small centre so there will be less distraction and  you can focus better. When writing your essay, use properly constructed sentences sprinkled with fancy words.

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for PTE

In addition to our PTE prep courses, we have experienced tutors to take you by the hand walk you every way. They will access your areas of weakness and help you improve. Wether you have months or just weeks to prepare, they will get you ready in time for your test. To see what our prep courses look like, you can try out our free tests

Test Dates

Available test dates are shown on the Pearson PTE website when booking a test. 

Test Centres

PTE has four test centers in Nigeria: Intake Education (Lagos), Intake Education (Abuja), Bellaz Education Services (Lagos), and Emerging Trees Limited (Kaduna). We can help you facilitate the registration process to ensure it’s error-free. You’ll have your complete exam details 24 hours after we receive your completed form and payment. 


PTE Price in Nigeria 

PTE Academic –$150

PTE Academic Online –$150

PTE Academic UKVI –$150

PTE Home A1 –$125

PTE Home A2 –$125

PTE Home B1 –$125

NB: We charge a service fee of N5000 to help candidates register for their PTE exam. 



The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test that measures a candidate’s readiness for graduate school. It is accepted by thousands of law,  graduate, and business school worldwide. A high GRE score demonstrates to an admission committee/board that an applicant is fully prepared for the rigours that come with graduate-level study. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) is responsible for administering the test. 

Types/Versions of GRE

There are two types of GRE tests: the GRE General Test and the GRE Subject Test. The GRE General Test evaluates a candidate’s skills in several areas like quantitative and verbal reasoning, while the GRE Subject Test is designed to test a candidate’s knowledge in a specific subject. There are four GRE Subject Tests: chemistry, mathematics, physics, and psychology. The subject tests are primarily for those with a bachelor’s in any of the four disciplines. 

The GRE General Test is computer-based and  can be taken at home or a testing centre. The general test can also be offered as a paper-based test in locations where computer testing is unavailable  On the other hand, the GRE Subject Tests are strictly administered in paper format. 

Sections and Grading of GRE 

The GRE General Test has three sections: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing. The verbal and quantitative sections are scored from 130-170 while the analytical writing is scored on a scale of 0-6 in half point increments. Test takers also receive a percentile rank for each section that indicates how they performed compared to other test takers. For example, a score of 5.0 in the analytical writing section will earn you a percentile rank of around 93% which means you scored better than 93% of other test takers. 

The GRE Subject Tests have no separate sections and are scored differently. Candidates are awarded total scores within a range of 200-990 based on their overall performance. The physics and psychology tests have sub-scores reported on a 20-99 score scale that indicate a candidate’s performance in each content area that makes up the subject test. Each overall score and sub-score in the GRE Subject Test is given a percentile rank as well. 

It is important to note that GRE Subject Test scores are calculated independently, therefore, test scores can only be compared with other scores on the same subject test. A score of 650 on the Mathematics Test, is not equivalent to a 650 on the Chemistry Test. Scores on the same test are comparable across years i.e. a score of 700 in the Chemistry Test in 2020 is considered equivalent to a Chemistry Test score of 700 earned in 2022.  

What’s a Pass GRE Score?

“A pass GRE score” is a relative term. What is a pass score for Candidate A may not be a pass score for Candidate B. The score you should aim for depends on the college and  program you’re considering. When looking at applicants’ GRE scores, most graduate schools focus on the section that closely relates to your desired program. For example, if you’re applying for a M.Sc in Engineering, your quantitative section score will be the most important of your GRE scores. However, for a M.A in Archaeology, the verbal section score will carry more weight. 

Validity Period of GRE 

GRE results/scores are valid for a period of five years after the exam is taken. 

Why People Get Low GRE Scores 

The primary reasons people get low GRE scores are inadequate preparation and not understanding the pattern of the test. The GRE test is designed for graduates and as such it is not a walkover. Test takers who fail to start preparing early enough risk ending up with a less than satisfactory score and may have to retake the test. Want to start preparing for your test without further delay? We have some  have some free GRE resources that you will find useful. 

Tips for Scoring High in GRE 

The only way to score high in the GRE tests is proper preparation with relevant materials. Candidates who get high scores in their GRE test are not necessarily the most intelligent, but those who understand how the test works and focus their attention on the relevant areas. In addition to studying, ensure to take enough practice tests to help you know where you stand. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for GRE

We have GRE prep courses designed to improve your critical thinking and analytical skills which are critical for acing your GRE test. If you need help catching up with undergraduate coursework relevant to the GRE test you intend to take, we have experienced private tutors that can help you. We also have some free tests that you can take if you want to get a sneak peek of what our prep courses look like.


Test Dates

Available test dates are displayed on the ETS website when scheduling a test. 

Test Centres 

There are several GRE test centres in Lagos and Abuja. The location tool on the website will help you find the one nearest to you. You can also opt to take the test at home provided you meet the equipment requirements . Our team of experts are on standby to help busy candidates with their exam registration. We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment. 

GRE Price in Nigeria

GRE General Test –$220 

GRE Subject Test –$150

NB: We charge a service fee of $15 to help candidates register for their GRE exam. 



The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized test for graduates in the management field administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). The test is designed to access the skills needed to succeed in a graduate management program. It is used by thousands of business schools globally for admission into an MBA and other business management-related programs. 

Types/Versions of GMAT

The GMAT test is computer-based. Candidates have the option of taking the exam at a test centre or from the comfort of their homes and offices. 

Sections and Grading of GMAT

The GMAT exam has four sections: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, integrated reasoning, and analytical writing assessment. Each section is scored differently and has it’s own percentile rank that contributes to the total score and final percentile rank. 

The quantitative and verbal sections are scored on a scale of 6-51. The integrated reasoning section is scored from 1-8, while the analytical writing assessment is scored from 0-6 and is reported in intervals of 0.5. The total score has a scale of 200-800 and is reported in intervals of 10. 

What’s a Pass GMAT Score?

Each school has a minimum qualifying GMAT score which is usually not made public. A score of 650 will get you into many graduate business programs, but if you’re aiming for top schools like Harvard Business School, then a score of 700+ is non-negotiable. Some programs like part-time programs designed for working professionals may accept GMAT scores of less than 600. The key thing is to research the average GMAT score of the school you’re interested in to know what is required of you. 

Validity Period of GMAT

GMAT test scores are valid for five years from the date of the test. 

Why People Get Low GMAT Scores

Most people get unsatisfactory GMAT scores either because they didn’t study enough to cover relevant areas, or they used the wrong study materials. For others, it’s because they got burned out before the test day or they left some questions unanswered during the test and got penalized. To avoid falling into the first two categories, check out our quality, free resources that you can use to kickstart your practice today. 

Tips for Scoring High in GMAT

To score high in your GMAT exam there are things you need to do asides studying hard with the best practice materials you can get. Take plenty of timed practice tests to improve your speed and accuracy. You’ll also need to work on your stamina as the exam takes over three hours. During the exam, try your best to answer every question. If you don’t know the answer, make a guess to avoid being penalized for leaving the question unanswered. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for GMAT

We have standard GMAT prep courses that’ll help you prepare adequately for your exam so you can achieve your desired score. We also have dedicated and experienced private tutors to guide and assist you if you need it. Our free test gives you an idea of what you’ll be getting with our paid GMAT prep package. 

Test Dates 

You can schedule your test any day during the week after creating your account on the official site of the GMAT exam. 

Test Centres 

There are three GMAT test centres in Nigeria: Intake Education (Lagos), Intake Education (Abuja), and Bellaz Education Services (Lagos). If you want to avoid the time-consuming process of registering for the exam yourself, our team of experts will handle it for you. We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment.

GMAT Price in Nigeria

GMAT (Test Centre) –$250

GMAT (Online) –$275

NB: We charge a service fee of $20 to help candidates register for their GMAT exam. 



The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a standardized test taken by high school (secondary school) students and graduates to demonstrate their readiness to enroll in a university or college program. It is administered by the College Board and is a requirement for admission in most universities in the United States. Some schools outside the U.S also make use of it. Check with the university you’re interested in to see if SAT is a requirement. 

Types/Versions of SAT

The SAT General Test is the only version still being conducted and it is a paper-based test. The SAT Subject Tests were discontinued internationally in June 2021. From March 2023, SAT will introduce a digital version of the general test for international students. Click here to find out more about the digital test.  

Sections and Grading of SAT

The SAT test has three sections: writing and language, reading, and math. The SAT exam scores are reported in two sections that make up the overall score. The math test is reported as a section while the reading test and writing and language test are combined into one section known as Evidence-based Reading and Writing. 

Each section is graded on a scale of 200-800 with a percentile rank to give an overall score scale of 400-1,600. Your overall score percentile rank is indicated next to your overall score. There are also seven sub-scores that reflect your performance on the types of questions that appear on the SAT test. 

For a full breakdown of the grading process and what is contained on the SAT score report, visit the SAT scores explanation page

What’s a Pass SAT Score?

A pass SAT score is any score that helps you get into your school of choice. Average SAT scores are usually around the 1000-1100 mark. An average score can get you into many good colleges, but if you’re applying to really selective schools, you should aim for a SAT score of 1350+. Your target SAT score should be the average SAT score of the school(s) you’re interested in. 

Validity Period of SAT

SAT scores do not have an expiry date. However, most universities and colleges prefer that students use SAT scores less than five years old when applying for admission. 

Why People Get Low SAT Scores 

Anybody, including “A students” can have a tough time achieving their desired SAT score. Some of the common reasons for low SAT scores include inadequate preparation, lack of access to study materials, and poor time management leading to unanswered questions. High stress levels and anxiety can also make students blank out during the exam. To get the best SAT score possible, you should start your preparation well ahead of time. We have some free resources that you can utilize. 


Tips for Scoring High in SAT

The only way to score high in SAT is to invest hours into studying and taking lots of full-length, timed practice tests. Avoid using low quality study materials. Identify and work on your weak areas, and with time you’ll start to see improvement. The people who perform well in the SAT test are not necessarily the smartest, rather those who are willing to do what is required. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for SAT

We have excellent SAT prep courses that will help you prepare properly for your test. We also have private tutors with years of experience in grooming SAT students to hit their target scores that can provide extra guidance if needed. If you’d like to see what our prep courses look like before making a purchase, you can take our free test.  

Test Dates

The SAT exam will hold on these dates for the 2022-2023 school year:

Dec 3, 2022. 

Mar 11, 2023. 

May 6, 2023. 

June 3, 2023.  

For detailed information on the deadlines for registration, changes, and cancellation, visit this page

Test Centres

There are SAT approved test centers across various states in Nigeria: Abuja, Lagos, Abia, Anambra, Kwara, Enugu, Edo, Oyo, Plateau, Kaduna, Osun, and Rivers. We’re here to assist if you need help with the registration process or locating a test centre near you. 


SAT Price in Nigeria

SAT General Test –$60 + 43 (Regional fee)

NB: We charge a service fee of $15 to help candidates register for their SAT exam. 




The American College Test (ACT) is a national standardized test administered by the ACT company. It is intended to measure the readiness of high school (secondary school) students and graduates for college. The test is used to evaluate undergraduate applicants by all four-year universities in the United States and over 200 universities outside the U.S. 

Types/Versions of ACT 

There is only one version of the ACT test with an optional writing test. The test is available in computer-based format only for candidates outside the U.S. 

Sections and Grading of ACT 

The ACT test contains four multiple-choice sections: English, reading, math, and science. Each of the sections is scored on a scale of 1-36 and contribute to the total/composite score. The composite score is the average of the four section scores rounded off to the nearest whole number.

The optional writing test is scored differently. There is a single subject-level score reported on a scale of 2-12 and four domain scores also graded from 2-12. The four domain scores are on ideas and analysis, development and support, organization, and language use and conventions. The subject-level score is the average of the four domain scores. 

What’s a Pass ACT Score?

There’s no pass ACT score, rather there a good and poor scores. A good score is relative and dependent on your target schools and other aspects of your application. A composite score of 19-20 is good enough to get into many college programs. However, if you’re applying to top schools that are more selective, you’ll have to score much higher. You should aim for a score that aligns with the average score of first year students at the school you’re applying to. 

Validity Period of ACT

ACT test scores do not have an official expiry date. However, ACT suggests retaking the test after five years. 

Why People Get Low ACT Scores 

There are many reasons that can make a student get a low ACT score. Unlike the normal school examination questions students are used to, ACT questions can be tricky. Some of the questions on the ACT test are deliberately designed to be misleading. Overconfident, high-performing students are also likely to fall into the trap of not studying enough because they believe that the ACT test is similar to what they’re used to in school, and this can lead to a poor performance on the day of the test. 

Tips for Scoring High in ACT 

Take a lot of practice tests before the exam to become familiar with the kind of questions you can expect on test day.. Start your preparation early enough, so you’ll have ample time to cover all the relevant topics. During the test, properly read and understand each question before answering it and also attempt all the questions even if you don’t know the answer. There’s no penalty for guessing. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for ACT 

Our ACT prep courses will help you prepare for your test and give you an insight on what to expect on the test day. If you find some of the topics confusing and need assistance, we have experienced private tutors to guide you. We also have a free ACT test that you can take if you’d like to see what our prep courses looks like. 

Test Dates 

These ACT exam will hold on these dates for 2022-2023 school year: 

21-22 October, 2022. 

9-10 December, 2022. 

10-11 February 2023. 

14-15 April, 2023. 

9-10 June 2023. 

14-15 July, 2023. 

For more information on registration and photo upload deadlines, visit the ACT website

Test Centres 

There are approved ACT test centres in Enugu, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Lagos, Oyo, Kwara, Abuja, Kano, Plateau, and Imo. If you need help locating a test center near you or with the registration process, we’re here for you. We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment. 

ACT Price in Nigeria

ACT (With writing) –$196.50

ACT (Without writing) –$171.50

NB: We charge a service fee of $15 to help candidates register for their ACT exam. 



The Duolingo English Test (DET) is a standardized English language proficiency test for non-native speakers administered by an American educational technology company,  Duolingo, Inc. The test results are usually ready within 48 hours of completing the test. Thousands of universities and colleges around the world accept the test  as proof of a candidate’s mastery of the English language.

Types/Versions of the Duolingo English Test

There’s only one version of the Duolingo English Test and it’s computer-based. 

Sections and Grading of the Duolingo English Test

The Duolingo English Test has an overall score and four sub-scores each reported on a scale of 10-160. The sub-scores are reported on literacy, comprehension, conversation, and production. The overall score is NOT an average of the four sub-scores.

The exam which lasts for sixty minutes is divided into three sections: introduction and onboarding, adaptive test, writing sample and speaking sample. The adaptive test is the only graded part of the test. The results of the writing and speaking section are recorded and sent to schools along with your test results. 

What’s a Pass Duolingo English Test Score?

A pass Duolingo score is non-existent. A pass score is one that gets you into your target institution, and different institutions have varying requirements. A score of 120 and above is considered excellent, and will get you into many good schools. While there’s no minimum score that’s set in stone, it’s a good idea not to go below 100 as you’ll struggle to find schools that accept such scores. You can check out how the Duolingo English Test scores compare to other English tests like the IETS and TOEFL here

Validity Period of Duolingo English Test 

The Duolingo English Test scores are valid for two years from the date of the test. 

Why People Get Low Duolingo English Test Scores 

People perform poorly on the Duolingo English Test mainly due to insufficient preparation and unnecessary haste during the test. To kickstart your preparation on time with relevant materials so as to score high on test day, check out our free resources. We also have a free practice test that you can take to access your readiness level for the actual exam. 

Tips for Scoring High in the Diolingo English Test 

Use all of the time allotted to each question to answer it —there’s no extra points for answering quickly. While it’s important to be time conscious during the test, avoid looking at the timer too often as it can become a distraction and negatively impact your performance. Before registering for the test, take as many practice tests as possible to identify any weak areas and improve on them. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for ACT 

We have excellent Duolingo prep courses that help candidates prepare for and ace their tests. If you need help with improving your English language skills, we have experienced private tutors on standby to help. Our free Duolingo test provides you with a snippet of what’s in our paid prep courses. 

Test Dates

There are no specific test dates for the Duolingo English Test. The test can be taken anytime/day during the year. 


Test Centres

The Duolingo English Test is completely online and does not require candidates to visit a test centre. Candidates can take the exam from their homes, offices, or any other suitable location. If you need help with registration or finding a conducive test location, we are here for you. We deliver within 24 hours after reviving your completed form and payment. 


Duolingo English Test Price in Nigeria 

Duolingo English Test –$49

NB: We charge a service fee of $0 to help candidates register for their Duolingo English Test. 



The Occupational English Test (OET) is a standardized English language proficiency test for healthcare professionals who wish to practice in an English-speaking environment. It is administered by the Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA), and recognized by various healthcare regulatory bodies across the world including those in the UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand. 

Types/Versions of OET

There are three types of the OET test: OET on paper, OET on a computer, and OET at home. The difficulty level of the tests are the same despite the medium used in taking the test. The computer-based and paper-based OET are only available at test centres. The OET at home is exclusively for candidates who meet certain system requirements in regions where there is no OET test venue. OET at home is only available for medicine and nursing only. 

Sections and Grading of OET

The OET test is divided into four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section is reported on a scale of 0-500 along with a grade from A-E based on different scoring processes. For more in-depth details on the assessment process and to see how OET scores compare to other English tests like the IELTS, visit the results and assessment page

What’s a Pass OET Score?

A pass OET score is determined by the recognizing council/board in the country which you intend to practice. However, most boards and councils require that candidates score at least 350 in each section of the OET test. Make sure to check with the relevant authorities that regulate your profession to find out the score requirements. 

Validity Period of OET

OET test results do not have a specified validity period. The validity of the test is determined by the bodies —boards, councils and government agencies— that recognize it. Ensure to check your authority’s website to know their requirement in regards to what OET test results are acceptable. 

Why People Get Low OET Scores

There are many reasons why people get low OET scores. One of the main reasons is inadequate preparation. Many candidates erroneously assume that the test is similar to other English language proficiency tests like the IELTS. However, the OET is more advanced and specifically designed for healthcare professionals. As a result, it requires a lot of work to get a high score. 

The second major reason people score low in the OET exam is not tailoring their preparation to their profession. The OET is taken by people in twelve different healthcare professions: dentistry, dietetics, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry, radiography, speech pathology, and veterinary science. While the reading and listening test are standard for all professions, the writing and speaking test varies according to profession. 

Tips for Scoring High in OET

To score high in the OET exam, candidates must first learn about the exam structure and timing. Next, create a workable study plan that gives you enough time for preparation. If you’re having trouble with any sub-test areas while studying, engage an experienced professional to help you out. Don’t forget to take enough practice tests before the exam day to familiarize yourself with the OET and discover areas you need to improve on. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for OET 

We have well-curated OET prep courses and experienced private tutors to provide extra guidance if needed. Our priority is to get you ready for your test in time so you can achieve a score you’ll be proud of. If you’d like to see what our paid prep courses look like before making a financial commitment, you can take our free test

Test Dates 

The OET exam will hold on these dates in 2022 and 2023:

22 October, 2022. 

5 November, 2022. 

19 November, 2022. 

3 December, 2022. 

17 December 2022. 

14 January, 2023. 

28 January, 2022. 

11 February, 2023. 

25 February, 2023. 

11 March, 2023. 

25 March, 2023. 

For more information about registration deadlines and the different professions available on test dates, visit the OET website

Test Centres 

There are three OET test centres in Nigeria, all in Lagos State: Dragnet Prometric Test Centre, International House Trust Assessment (Lekki), and International House Trust Assessment (Ikeja). Dragnet Prometric Test Centre offers the computer-based version of the test which is for medicine and nursing only while the two International House Trust Assessment branches offer the paper-based version. If you want a smooth, error-free registration process, we’re here to help. We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment. 

OET Price in Nigeria

OET test –$587 AUD

NB: We charge a service fee of $30 AUD to help candidates register for their OET exam.




The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized multiple-choice examination developed and administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). It is taken by prospective medical students who wish to gain admission into medical schools in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Caribbean Islands. The exam tests a candidate’s core skills in areas critical to the study of medicine. 

Types/Versions of MCAT

There is only one version of the MCAT and it’s a computer-based test. 

Sections and Grading of MCAT

The MCAT exam took on a new format in 2015 and scores are reported in four sections: 

–  Biological and biochemical foundations of living systems

–  Chemical and physical foundations of biological systems

–  Physiological, social and biological foundations of behaviour

–  Critical analysis and reasoning skills 

After marking, the number of questions correctly answered in each section is converted to a scaled score ranging from 118-132 to give a total score range of 472-528. The percentile rank indicated on score reports show how each candidate performed compared to other test takers. The percentile ranks are updated on May 1 every year with data from the most recent three years to reflect current information about a candidate’s scores. 

What’s a Pass MCAT Score?

There is no specified MCAT pass score. Each school has its own requirements on what prospective students should score on their MCAT exam. You should aim for at least the average score of matriculants at your desired medical school. A score of 520 is well above average and will place you at around the 98th percentile rank—in a position to contend for the top schools. While 520 is a good score, many top medical schools prefer candidates who have an even distribution of section scores. 

Validity Period of MCAT

There is no set validity period for MCAT test scores. The validity period depends on the school you’re applying to. However, schools typically don’t accept scores older than three years. 

Why People Get Low MCAT Scores

There are many reasons why candidates perform poorly on the MCAT exam. Some students neglect important areas during their preparation, leading to an unpleasant surprise on test day. Others are more interested in cramming rather than learning basic concepts that can be applied to different situations. Some unlucky few stretch themselves beyond their capabilities and end up getting burned out. Test-related anxiety is also a factor. The pressure on some students to perform can lead to performance-impacting levels of anxiety. 

Tips for Scoring High in MCAT 

The key to scoring high in the MCAT exam is early and adequate preparation. Focus on developing the critical skills required to pass the exam rather than cramming. The MCAT exam is not a test of how much you can remember, it’s a test of how you can apply your knowledge in unique situations to succeed in the medical field. Take many practice tests so as to get comfortable with the MCAT testing process. Lastly, don’t forget to get a good nights rest before test day. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for MCAT

We have MCAT prep courses designed to help you grasp and internalize the basic concepts being tested in the MCAT exam. If you need extra guidance or help with studying, we have experienced private tutors to assist you. If you’d like to see what our prep courses look like, we have a free test you can take. 

Test Dates 

The MCAT exam will be taken in 2023 in South Africa on the following dates: 

January 19. April 14. July 15. July 28. July 29. August 3. August 4. August 5. August 11. August 12. August 19. August 24. August 25 & 26. August 31. September 1. September 2. September 8. September 9. 

Test Centres 

Unfortunately, there are no MCAT test centres in Nigeria. The MCAT test centre in Africa is in South Africa, and candidates have to travel to take the exam. If you need help with the lengthy registration process or scheduling your exam, we can take the stress off your hands. We deliver within 24 hours after receiving your completed form and payment. 

MCAT Price in Nigeria

MCAT exam ($330) + International fee ($120) –$450

NB: We charge a service fee of $30 to help candidates register for their MCAT exam. 



The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is an exam that nurses must pas before receiving a license to practice in the United States, Canada, and Australia. The exam is owned by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) and administered at Pearson VUE test centres. The exam evaluates aspiring nurses to ensure they are fit to work in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. 

Types/Versions of NCLEX

The exam is a computer-based adaptive test and there are two types: NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN. The NCLEX-RN is for registered nurses and the NCLEX-PN is for practical nurses. There are some similarities between the two but they’re mostly different. The NCLEX-RN exam focuses on testing candidates’ practical knowledge on nursing. The NCLEX-PN on the other hand focuses on care coordination. 

Sections and Grading of NCLEX

The NCLEX exam is not divided into sections. However, it covers four key areas: safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance, psychosocial integrity, and physiological integrity. The number of questions that come from each area depends on whether you’re taking the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN. 

Both NCLEX exams are scored in logits —units that measure the relative difference between a candidates ability and the difficulty of their test questions. The passing standard for the NCLEX-RN is 0.00 logits while that of the NCLEX-PN is -0.18 logits. 

For more information on exam content and administration, you can check out the NCLEX test plans

What’s a Pass NCLEX Score?

The NCLEX exam is based on a pass-fail system. Candidates do not receive any scores. They either pass or fail. 

Validity Period of NCLEX

Your NCLEX result does not not expire. As long as you maintain an active nursing licensure, you will not need to retake the exam. 

Registration Process for NCLEX 

  • Apply for Licensure/Registration 

The first step is to submit an application for licensure/registration to the Nursing Regulatory Body (NRB) in the state where you wish to practice as a registered nurse. The NRB will then determine the eligibility of the candidate for the NCLEX exam. 

  • Register With Pearson VUE 

NCLEX exams are taken at Pearson VUE test centres, so it is mandatory to register with them. 

  • Pay Necessary Fees 

After registering with Pearson VUE, the next step is to pay the exam fees. There are additional fees to make changes to the registration. See this page for a list of applicable fees. It is important to note that if your application for licensure is denied by the NRB you applied to, you’ll have to start your application afresh and pay another fee. 

  • Authorization to Test

Once you’re cleared by the NRB you applied to, you’ll receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email. The email is required to be able to schedule your NCLEX exam. The ATT is valid for 90 days during which you must schedule your exam. 

  • Find a Location and Book Your Test 

Find a Pearson VUE test centre nearest to you and schedule your exam appointment. The exam can be scheduled online or via telephone. 

Why People Fail NCLEX 

According to the NCSBSN, in 2021 82.48% of U.S-educated first-time NCLEX test takers passed the test while their international counterparts had only a 46.68% pass rate. The chances of passing the test drops further with a retake for both categories. The reason why people fail the NCLEX, especially international candidates is because they lack a general undertaking of the NCLEX exam and the type of questions to expect. Poor study habit and anxiety build-up before the exam can also make people to fail.  

Tips for Passing NCLEX

The NCLEX exam is challenging because it uses adaptive technology to make sure the questions you’re getting are not too easy. To pass the test, you need ample time to study — six months is ideal. Use resources that match your style of learning and limit your study schedule to three hours everyday to avoid burn out. If your test date is approaching and you haven’t covered necessary areas, you can always reschedule to a later date. 


Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for NCLEX

We have NCLEX prep courses put together by nursing experts to help you pass your exam on the first attempt. We also have experienced private tutors to help you out with any problems you may encounter while studying. If you’d like to get a foretaste of what’s contained in our prep courses, you can take our free test. 

Test Dates

There are no set test dates. Candidates can schedule an appointment on any convenient test date after receiving the Authorization to Test (ATT). 

Test Centres

Unfortunately, there are no NCLEX test centres in Nigeria. The only NCLEX test centre in Africa is in Johannesburg, South Africa. Candidates in Nigeria will have to travel to take the exam. You can reach out to us if you need help with the complicated registration process  required for the NCLEX or scheduling your exam.   

NCLEX Price in Nigeria

NCLEX for U.S licensure –$200 USD + $150 USD (International Scheduling Fee)

NCLEX for Canadian licensure –$360 CAD + $150 CAD (International Scheduling Fee)

NCLEX for Australian licensure –$200 USD + $150 USD (International Scheduling Fee)

NB: We charge a service fee of $20 USD to help candidates register for their NCLEX exam. 



The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is a three-step exam designed for students of allopathic medicine who wish to practice in the United States. The exam is jointly owned by two entities: the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). Students of osteopathic medicine can take either the USMLE or a similar exam known as Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMEX). 

Types/Versions of USMLE 

There is only one version of the USMLE and the three different examinations involved are all computer-based. 

Sections and Grading of USMLE

The USMLE is divided into three parts: USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 CK, and USMLE Step 3. 

The Step 1 exam is taken in one eight-hour session made up of 60-minute blocks. The number of question contained in each block varies but does not exceed 40. The total number of questions on the examination does not exceed 280. The eight-hour session  includes a 45-minute break and an optional 15-minute tutorial. The test score for the exam is reported in a pass/fail format. 

The Step 2 CK  exam is taken in one nine-hour session comprised of 60-minute blocks. The number of questions contained in each block varies but does not exceed 40. The total number of questions for the examination does not exceed 318. The nine-hour session  includes a 45-minute break and an optional 15-minute tutorial. The test score for the exam is reported on a three-digit scale of 1-300. 

The Step 3 exam is a two-day examination. The first day of testing involves 232 multiple-choice questions divided into six blocks of 38-39 questions. The test lasts for approximately seven hours. The seven-hour session includes a 45-minute break and an optional five-minute tutorial. 

On the second day of the Step 3 exam things get a bit tougher. The test session is nine hours long and contains 180 multiple-choice questions as well as 13 case simulations. The nine-hour session includes an optional five-minute tutorial, a seven-minute CCS tutorial, and 45 minutes of break time. There is also an optional survey at the end of the test that can be completed if there’s time left on the clock. The test score for the Step 3 exam is reported on a three-digit scale of 1-300. 

What’s a Pass USMLE Score?

USMLE Step 1 –Pass/Fail

USMLE Step 2 CK –214

USMLE Step 3 –198 

Validity Period of USMLE

USMLE Step 1, 2 and 3 results are valid for seven years, which is the time frame required for the completion of the three steps by most medical licensing authorities. 

Why People Fail/Get Low USMLE Scores 

There are a couple of reasons why candidates get a low USMLE score or even end up failing the exam. The major reason is that most candidates simply do not realize the intensive amount of work needed to pass USMLE exams. Others neglect official USMLE resources and focus on watered down third-party resources —never do this. Listening to too much advice from older students who have passed their USMLE exams can also create confusion and lead to a poor score or failure. Everyone is different and learns differently. Discover what works for you and stick to it.  

Tips for Passing/Scoring High in USMLE

If you want to ace your USMLE exams, you have to start early and study like your life depends on it. Create a study schedule that works for you and follow it religiously. Avoid cramming and using  many different resources for studying. USMLE exams last for long periods so it’s important to take enough practice tests to familiarize yourself with the process and build your stamina for test day. Take the test once you’re satisfied with your performance on practice and self-assessment tests. If you keep postponing and studying, you may start to experience the law of diminishing returns. 

Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for USMLE

We have USMLE prep courses that are most effective when used jointly with the official USMLE resources. Our prep courses are designed by experts to help get you ready for the different steps of the USMLE exam. If you need personalized help, we have private tutors to assist you with your studies. If you’d like to see what our prep courses look like, you can take out free test

Test Dates 

USMLE test dates are flexible. Candidates can schedule their test at their convenience. For more information regarding scheduling and testing, check out the USMLE 2023 Bulletin.


Test Centres 

The USMLE Step 1 and 2 exams can be taken at approved prometric test centres worldwide. The Step 3 exam can only be taken in the United States and its territories. 

USMLE Step 1 and 2 centres in Africa are located in Ghana, Kenya, South Africa,Egypt, and Uganda. Most Nigerian candidates prefer taking the test in Ghana since it’s the closest location. 

If you need help locating a test center or starting the registration process for your USMLE exam,  we’re here to help. Allow our team of experts to handle everything regarding your exam formalities while you focus on preparation. 

USMLE Price in Nigeria

USMLE Step 1 – $985 + $185 (International Test Delivery Surcharge)

USMLE Step 2 –$985 + $210 (International Test Delivery Surcharge)

USMLE Step 3 – $915 starting from November 1, 2022. 

NB: We charge a service fee of $50 to help candidates register for any of their USMLE exa$125 USD

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